Tuesday, March 10, 2009

havent blogged in a long time dy =P.
ive got almost all day so y not blog?

its been months since i decided 2 re-blog, lol. anywayssss recent event was the bazaar for sfc. all i could say was it was sooooo panas theree. so i left early. sry. cudnt stand the friggin heat. oh and ujian setara 1 jst finished. the marks im getting back.. pretty okay for me =P. i improved. Gods great blessings =D.
looking forward 2 camp all of a sudden. >.<>

decided 2 plan my hols. hope i act stick to it. haha.(cuz i never do)
sat: mass, bday party
sun: ra/camp preparations.
mon: stay home. darn
tues: maybe do some interviewing for kerja kursus.
wed: tuition torture.
thur: go out. weeeeeeeeee~
fri: camp!
sat: still at camp
sun: back frm camp

boring bt at least its smthng..oh btw its lent. n im barely doig anything abt it. -_-".. bt lyk some adults say "its from the heart <3".. anything ="(." nvm ="s.

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